This is a very fair question to ask is
it anti-semitic to be anti Zionist? First,
when we speak of anti-semitism we’re not
speaking of just criticisms of Jewish
people that are valid and fair of
individuals or as Jewish people as a
group that are valid or fair accurate.
We’re talking about the demonizing of
the people as a whole, we’re talking
about spreading falsehoods about the
people as a whole.
So is it anti-semitic to be an anti
Zionist? If you have issues with the way
Israel treats the Palestinians but
recognize their right to be in the land,
if you recognize there are two sides to
the conflict but think that Israel is
often taking the wrong side, that’s
perfectly fair, and perfectly legitimate
to raise that question. On the other hand,
if you delegitimize Israel’s right to
exist, if you delegitimize Israel’s right
to have a homeland, if you demonize the nation as a whole
and say that it is as a whole genocidal
and apartheid, etc., if you spread the
lies about Israel such as that the
Israelis kill the Palestinians to
harvest their organs and things like
that, then yes, it is anti-semitic. And so
often it is the case that anti Sciences
anti-zionism is a cloak for
anti-semitism. Let me say again… valid
criticism of Israel and the Jewish
people is fine and it’s not anti-semitic.
Spreading lies about the people as a
whole or demonizing the nation as a
whole, that is anti-semitic. But there’s
an interesting verse in the book of
Zechariah… Zechariah the second chapter
the 12th verse, it’s a very interesting
verse, “…and the Lord will inherit Judah
and his portion in the Holy Land and
will again choose Jerusalem”, and in the
same context God says, “whoever touches
Israel touches the apple of my eye.”
What’s the point I’m making? God
dispersed the Jewish people into exile
because of sin, rejecting the Torah,
rejecting the prophets, rejecting the
Messiah. The Jewish people, I am a Jew,
the Jewish people, we have been scattered
around the world often under judgment
from God and then hate
for men and then Satan wanted to wipe us
out and yet God still has his hand on
the Jewish people. “And says whoever
touches them touches the apple of my eye”
and he said that even when Israel was in
sin and rebellion, just as you’d feel
toward your own child maybe had done
something wrong and you had to
discipline that child, but that’s still
your beloved child, so fair and valid
criticism of Jewish people, individuals,
people as a group, Israel as a nation,
fair and valid criticism is always fine.
Demonizing the people as a group, the
delegitimizing of the state as a state, as a
country, that friends is anti-semitic, so
sometimes anti-zionism is anti-semitism.
Why I am a Zionist
Zionism wasn’t always such a negative term. Today it has many negative connotations associated with crimes against humanity including fascism, racism, apartheid, and colonialism. But the truth is that Zionism is none of these things.
So what is Zionism?
Zionism is the belief in the right of the Jewish people to self-determination in their historic homeland, Israel.
The Jewish people are the indigenous people of Israel. The archaeological ruins, the artifacts, the scriptures, literature, and genetics all prove that Israel is the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people. The first kingdom in Israel was established over 3,000 years ago. Since that time, the Jewish people have been ruled by successive occupiers of the land which have included the Romans, the Babylonians, and since the 7th century, the Arabs.
The Jewish people always had a presence in the land and Jewish people outside the land always prayed towards and yearned for the re-establishment of a sovereign homeland.
In 1947 the United Nations voted to realize the Jewish people’s aspiration for a national homeland. The United Nations also voted for the Palestinians to have their own homeland in 1947 although they were just known as the Arabs who were living in that area, not as the ‘Palestinians’. However, the Arab people declined the opportunity while the Jewish people accepted the opportunity even though it fell short of what they hoped for. Therefore, the United Nations offered a two-state solution seventy years ago and the Arabs turned it down.
Almost every country in the world has been established through war, negotiation or colonialism. Therefore, Israel, as a nation-state, has more legitimacy than almost any other country in the world, if not every other country in the world since the nation was formed for the Jewish people by the United Nations.
There is a misconception that Israel was built on stolen Palestinian land. Tell a people a lie often enough and they will start to believe it. Palestinians have never had sovereignty in the land. There was never a government-run country with the name Palestine. The Arab Palestinian people have been offered several opportunities by the United Nations and Israel to have sovereignty and part of the land but have declined all those offers.
Furthermore, between 1948 and 1967 the Arab Palestinians were under occupation by Jordan. Jordan never created an independent state for the Arab Palestinians. To say that Israel was built on stolen Palestinian land is simply not true. Compare the Palestinian flag with the Jordanian flag and you’ll see that the Palestinian flag which was created by the PLO in 1964 is simply the Jordanian flag with its white star removed. It is also interesting to note that the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) which was designated as a terrorist organization by the United States government, was headed by Yassar Arafat who was born and raised in Egypt, not in Palestine.
Jews have a tragic history of persecution. If there is any people in the world that have a need for self-determination, it is the Jewish people. They have suffered through Pogroms, ghettos, the Holocaust, the Spanish Inquisition. They have been forcibly converted to other religions, culturally assimilated, exterminated, and assaulted for as long as we can all remember.
Israel is a modern democracy which has been delegitimized and demonized like no other country in the history of the world. Israel welcomes and accepts all people, regardless of their race, nationality, religion, or gender.
Jews throughout the world need to know that Israel is there to escape to should the need arise, just like it’s been there for many thousands if not millions of other Jews since it’s establishment.
I am a Zionist.
Whether you are Jewish or not, you can support the right of the Jewish people to a homeland in Israel.
Stanford Student Adviser out after Threatening ‘Zionists’
Hamzeh Daoud, an international student from Amman, Jordan and a residential student adviser chosen by Stanford University to lead other students in a residential environment that allows “all views (popular and unpopular)” to be voiced, heard and explored is out of a job after threatening online to “physically fight” Zionists. The American Center for Law and Justice brought the issue to the attention of Stanford officials. […]
In his original post, Daoud wrote, “I’m gonna physically fight Zionists on campus next year if someone comes at me with their ‘Israel is a democracy’ bullshit. And after I abolish your ass I’ll go ahead and work every day for the rest of my life to abolish your petty ass ethno-supremacist, settler-colonial state.”
“It is important to note that, according to a recent report by the FBI, the majority of religiously motivated hate crimes in the United States were committed against Jewish people – and this despite Jews making up less than 2 percent of the population. In fact, since the FBI began reporting these statistics in 1993, there has not been a single year in which Jewish people were not the victims of the majority of religiously motivated hate crimes.”
Daoud sent an apology email to the Stanford Jewish community mailing list on Monday stating that he was not apologetic for his stance on Israel but rather for any pain his original post may have caused within the Jewish community.
“I never intended, and will never intend, to cause any harm to the Jewish community,” Daoud wrote. “I respect the Jewish community, the beauty and resilience of the Jewish religion and people, and the power that Jewish students bring to campus.
Stanford University said in a statement that after an extensive review of the case, they determined that Daoud “does not pose a physical threat to other members of the community”
- Stanford student adviser out after threatening ‘zionists’
“There Was No Palestine”
As reported by MEMRI TV, Arab media and social networks are up in arms over Kuwaiti writer Abdullah Al-Hadlaq who said in a recent television interview that Israel was an independent and legitimate sovereign state and that there was no occupation, but instead,
“a people returning to its promised land…
Like it or not, Israel is an independent sovereign state. It exists, and it has a seat at the United Nations, and most peace-loving and democratic countries recognize it. The group of states that do not recognize Israel are the countries of tyranny and oppression…
From the religious perspective, Quranic verse 5:21 proves that the Israelites have the right to the Holy Land. Allah says: ‘When Moses said to his people… Oh my people, enter the Holy Land which Allah has assigned to you.’ So Allah assigned that land to them, and they did not plunder it. The plundering entity is whoever was there before the arrival of the Israelites. Therefore, I do not go for obsolete slogans and terms like ‘Zionist plundering entity,’ and so on. The fact that I am an Arab should by no means prevent me from recognizing Israel. I recognize Israel as a state and as a fact of reality, without denying my Arab identity and affiliation…
There is no occupation. There is a people returning to its promised land… we Muslims must acknowledge that the Israelites have a right to that land, and that they have not plundered it…When the State of Israel was established in 1948, there was no state called ‘Palestine.’…
The Persian regime boasts that it has occupied four Arab capitals, and that it will soon occupy the fifth. Has Israel ever said such a thing? Has it boasted about occupying anything? No, because it never occupied anything. Israel came to its own land, whereas the Iranian Persian entity is a plunderer.”
- Watch the Video on MEMRI : November 19, 2017
- Read the Transcript on MEMRI : November 19, 2017
FACT: Prior to 1964, the ‘Palestinian’ flag did not exist as known today, precisely because there never was a nation-state by that name. The Palestinian flag was hastily created by the PLO terrorist organization by taking the Jordanian flag and removing the seven-pointed white star from it’s red triangular field. As evidenced by numerous historical texts, the flag which was identified as representing the area once known as Palestine had an evenly divided field of light blue and white with a gold Star of David in it’s center.
Are You a Zionist?
To describe oneself as a ‘Zionist’ is to be in agreement that the Messianic kingdom is coming.
Mount Zion is the City of the Great King.
Beautiful in elevation,
The joy of the whole earth,
Is Mount Zion on the sides of the north,
The city of the great King.
God is in her palaces;
He is known as her refuge.
- Psalm 48:2-3
For the Lord has chosen Zion;
He has desired it for His dwelling place:
“This is My resting place forever;
Here I will dwell, for I have desired it.
I will abundantly bless her provision;
I will satisfy her poor with bread.
I will also clothe her priests with salvation,
And her saints shall shout aloud for joy.
There I will make the horn of David grow;
I will prepare a lamp for My Anointed.
His enemies I will clothe with shame,
But upon Himself His crown shall flourish.”
- Psalm 132:13-18
When God speaks of His ‘Anointed’ He is referring to Messiah.
In Psalm 2 we read:
“Yet I have set My King On My holy hill of Zion.”
“I will declare the decree:
The Lord has said to Me,
‘You are My Son, Today I have begotten You.
Ask of Me, and I will give You
The nations for Your inheritance,
And the ends of the earth for Your possession.
You shall break them with a rod of iron;
You shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.’
Now therefore, be wise, O kings;
Be instructed, you judges of the earth.
Serve the Lord with fear,
And rejoice with trembling.
Kiss the Son, lest He be angry,
And you perish in the way,
When His wrath is kindled but a little.
Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him.
- Psalm 2:7-12
So here we see that Messiah is God’s son, who wears a crown of the Great King.
Zion represents the permanent dwelling place for God and His people on a new Earth, which is the Messianic Hope for the Messianic Kingdom. So are you a Zionist?
Today is the day. Be blessed and put your trust in the Son, the Great King of Zion, the Anointed One, the Messiah. His name is Yeshua!
He IS coming soon!