This is a very fair question to ask is
it anti-semitic to be anti Zionist? First,
when we speak of anti-semitism we’re not
speaking of just criticisms of Jewish
people that are valid and fair of
individuals or as Jewish people as a
group that are valid or fair accurate.
We’re talking about the demonizing of
the people as a whole, we’re talking
about spreading falsehoods about the
people as a whole.
So is it anti-semitic to be an anti
Zionist? If you have issues with the way
Israel treats the Palestinians but
recognize their right to be in the land,
if you recognize there are two sides to
the conflict but think that Israel is
often taking the wrong side, that’s
perfectly fair, and perfectly legitimate
to raise that question. On the other hand,
if you delegitimize Israel’s right to
exist, if you delegitimize Israel’s right
to have a homeland, if you demonize the nation as a whole
and say that it is as a whole genocidal
and apartheid, etc., if you spread the
lies about Israel such as that the
Israelis kill the Palestinians to
harvest their organs and things like
that, then yes, it is anti-semitic. And so
often it is the case that anti Sciences
anti-zionism is a cloak for
anti-semitism. Let me say again… valid
criticism of Israel and the Jewish
people is fine and it’s not anti-semitic.
Spreading lies about the people as a
whole or demonizing the nation as a
whole, that is anti-semitic. But there’s
an interesting verse in the book of
Zechariah… Zechariah the second chapter
the 12th verse, it’s a very interesting
verse, “…and the Lord will inherit Judah
and his portion in the Holy Land and
will again choose Jerusalem”, and in the
same context God says, “whoever touches
Israel touches the apple of my eye.”
What’s the point I’m making? God
dispersed the Jewish people into exile
because of sin, rejecting the Torah,
rejecting the prophets, rejecting the
Messiah. The Jewish people, I am a Jew,
the Jewish people, we have been scattered
around the world often under judgment
from God and then hate
for men and then Satan wanted to wipe us
out and yet God still has his hand on
the Jewish people. “And says whoever
touches them touches the apple of my eye”
and he said that even when Israel was in
sin and rebellion, just as you’d feel
toward your own child maybe had done
something wrong and you had to
discipline that child, but that’s still
your beloved child, so fair and valid
criticism of Jewish people, individuals,
people as a group, Israel as a nation,
fair and valid criticism is always fine.
Demonizing the people as a group, the
delegitimizing of the state as a state, as a
country, that friends is anti-semitic, so
sometimes anti-zionism is anti-semitism.
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