SDSU’s Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) has invited Miko Peled — who referred to Jews as “sleazy thieves” — to participate in “Palestine 101,” an event that, according to its Facebook page, “will give an introduction to and history of the Israeli Occupation of Palestine.”
Born and raised in Jerusalem in 1961, Peled grew up in a prominent Zionist family; his grandfather, Avraham Katsnelson, signed Israel’s Declaration of Independence.[2] His father, Mattityahu Peled, fought in the 1948 war, and served as a general in the war of 1967; Peled is a regular contributor to online publications like Electronic Intifada and the Palestine Chronicle. Peled is also a a sixth-degree black belt, and is widely thought to have been kicked in the head one too many times.
SDSU’s SJP event comes the same week another anti-Israel student group on campus, SDSU Divest, announced its return to the university. “We’re back. #SDSUDivest #FreePalestine,” the group said in a Facebook post.
Miko Peled. Photo: Facebook. An anti-Israel group at San Diego State University (SDSU) will host a lecture on Thursday by an infamous Israeli activist whose use of antisemitic rhetoric on social media recently sparked a major controversy. SDSU’s Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) has invited Miko Peled — […]
Defend Israel from Anti-Israel Attacks Across the Globe
Defend Israel from Anti-Israel Attacks Across the Globe
is iIsrael is under constant deadly terrorist knife and rocket #attacks.
Jewish students, professors, and Christians who support Israel face vicious discrimination at U.S. universities – all in an attempt to delegitimize the State of Israel.
Israel is our ally. It’s our duty to defend them.
#ACLJ is launching a massive new multi-national legal advocacy campaign in defense of Israel: in the U.S., at the U.N., and with world leaders.
ACLJ is co-sponsoring the largest global conference to fight these attempts to delegitimize Israel.
ACLJ is bringing together Ambassadors, lawyers, judges, and academics from across the world to educate and equip them to combat the growing anti-Semitic, #anti-Israel attacks.
ACLJ is taking on dozens of cases in the U.S. and now expanding the scope of our work through this global conference.
But ACLJ needs these global leaders to hear from you now. Add your name:
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Source: Defend Israel from Anti-Israel Attacks Across the Globe | American Center for Law and Justice