Hamzeh Daoud, an international student from Amman, Jordan and a residential student adviser chosen by Stanford University to lead other students in a residential environment that allows “all views (popular and unpopular)” to be voiced, heard and explored is out of a job after threatening online to “physically fight” Zionists. The American Center for Law and Justice brought the issue to the attention of Stanford officials. […]
In his original post, Daoud wrote, “I’m gonna physically fight Zionists on campus next year if someone comes at me with their ‘Israel is a democracy’ bullshit. And after I abolish your ass I’ll go ahead and work every day for the rest of my life to abolish your petty ass ethno-supremacist, settler-colonial state.”
“It is important to note that, according to a recent report by the FBI, the majority of religiously motivated hate crimes in the United States were committed against Jewish people – and this despite Jews making up less than 2 percent of the population. In fact, since the FBI began reporting these statistics in 1993, there has not been a single year in which Jewish people were not the victims of the majority of religiously motivated hate crimes.”
Daoud sent an apology email to the Stanford Jewish community mailing list on Monday stating that he was not apologetic for his stance on Israel but rather for any pain his original post may have caused within the Jewish community.
“I never intended, and will never intend, to cause any harm to the Jewish community,” Daoud wrote. “I respect the Jewish community, the beauty and resilience of the Jewish religion and people, and the power that Jewish students bring to campus.
Stanford University said in a statement that after an extensive review of the case, they determined that Daoud “does not pose a physical threat to other members of the community”
- Stanford student adviser out after threatening ‘zionists’
- https://www.stanforddaily.com/2018/07/22/norcliffe-ra-threatens-to-physically-fight-zionists-in-facebook-post/
- https://unitedwithisrael.org/muslim-stanford-student-who-threatened-zionist-students-resigns/
- https://www.wayup.com/profile/Hamzeh-Daoud-7d6be56407/